Why You Will Love Write:OutLoud 6
Text-to-speech has become ubiquitous in assistive technology-every product has it. So, why do you still need a simple talking word processor? Because some students just need a little extra support, and providing too many features and frills distracts them from the goal-to practice writing! Students who have more significant difficulty with grammar and spelling will benefit from Co:Writer, which seamlessly integrates with Write:OutLoud.
How Does Write:OutLoud Compare to Other Word Processors?
Write:OutLoud is simple to use and reads words as they are written, providing real-time auditory feedback. Writing tools, including talking spell checker, homophone checker, and dictionary help your students confirm their word choice in language they understand.
Acapela Speech Engine! Write:OutLoud 6 features Acapela voices-some of the highest quality, most natural sounding voices available. Write:OutLoud 6 will also play any other SAPI 5 voice you have on your system.
Homophone Checker. The Homophone Checker quickly searches a document for homophones and offers definitions for all the alternatives. This helps students build homophone awareness and choose the intended word.
Train-in-30 Tutorial. Write:OutLoud 6 is so simple, you can train teachers in 30 minutes with our Train-in-30 Tutorial.
Talking Spell Checker. The spell checker consistently outshines the spell checkers in MS Word and other common word processors when used in K-12 schools. And text-to-speech reads the word choices, helping students choose the right word.
Bibliographer. The bibliographer helps students create their own bibliography using dozens of source types including electronic/webpage, articles, books, etc. Formats include both APA and MLA.
Network Ready. Now you can save files anywhere on your network, WebDisk or on a USB drive for access anywhere.
Dictionary. The dictionary displays and speaks the definition of almost any word. Unlike other common dictionaries intended for use by professionals, the dictionary definitions are clear and concise for 3-12th grade students.
Standardized Test Mode. Many districts across the country are using Write:OutLoud as a standard testing accommodation. Some states require restricted access to certain features. Teachers can quickly restrict access to these features, as state regulations require.
Supports the Latest Mac and Windows OS. Write:OutLoud 6 functions identically on Mac and Windows and supports the latest operating systems.