MK Prosopsis

Step by Step


Step by Step is designed to help develop visual perception skills, early switch techniques and language development.

This cause and effect program can be used by mouse, touch screen, one switch, and keyboard.

There are 22 different pictures, which can be revealed in stages by pressing a switch, clicking a mouse or pressing a key on the keyboard.

The images can be uncovered in a range of different ways, and a configurable number of steps. Each time the switch/key/mouse is pressed more of the image will be revealed. When the picture is fully revealed a musical animation will play. The music will continue until the switch/key/mouse is pressed again.

Superb realistic graphics, animations and sound effects make this cause and effect program suitable for all ages.


Windows: Compatible with Win98 and later versions

Mac: Non-Compatible Switch Access: Yes

Recommended for: Cause & Effect