Read On Screen
A person with problem in reading will benefit from Read OnScreen as a compensation for reading printed text. Read OnScreen helps the person to acquire information at the same time as the normal reading classes are working. This way the person is able to have a positive and continuous progress in learning while the gap to the written material is closing.
To acquire knowledge in the early years of learning is independent of the reading ability of paramount importance for the further learning process as all learning is based on previous acquired knowledge.
Write OnScreen is designed to help persons with writing difficulties. Write OnScreen is an active dictionary that together with a speech synthesis (Read OnScreen) offers to read the suggested words and thus helps the user to find the right word and spell it correctly.
When working with reading and writing problems it is normally useful to have access to a scanner and an OCR package. Books etc., which aren’t available in electronic form are scanned, recognized, and read by Read OnScreen.
Text on the Internet is already in a form, which Read OnScreen can read aloud.
Write On Screen
Write OnScreen is designed for persons with light to medium difficulties with writing. Write OnScreen works as an active dictionary and with a synthetic speech (Read OnScreen) the suggestions can be read aloud, thus helping the user to find the correct word from the list.
Persons with reading difficulties will be able to use Read OnScreen for compensation or as a reading tool. Read OnScreen helps the user to quickly acquire knowledge while following the normal reading classes. This is a way to reach a positive educational experience and reduce the gab to written information.
The need to acquire knowledge from written information is independent of a persons reading abilities, especially in the early years, as this information often is the basis for understanding the subjects later in the educational process.
When a person is having reading difficulties it also helps to have access to a scanner and an OCR program (Print OnScreen). Books etc. that are not available in electronic form can be scanned and read with Print OnScreen or alternatively with Read OnScreen if a different OCR program is used.
Text from the Internet and e-mails are read aloud with Read OnScreen.
Print On Screen
The idea behind Print OnScreen is that it should be easy to have printed matter read aloud. With Print OnScreen the whole page is scanned and show on screen as it is printed, and can be read immediately. The precise character recognition (OCR) and the image shown on screen makes it easy to read the whole page or just the text you’re interested in, even single words can easily be read back to you
The core of a paperless office is the professional recognition system, which transfers all incoming paper into electronic text by paper scanning. The pages are either partly or completely recognized, but always stored in the original form as an image to be retrieved later. Print OnScreen does the same thing, as the scanned paper is stored in the original form as an image, but the text is normally always recognized, depending on the user settings. The other enhancement in Print OnScreen is the built in speech engine which makes it possible to have the text read aloud whenever needed. In addition to this Print OnScreen is designed with the book format in mind, in that a complete book can be saved in one file.
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