MK Prosopsis

Flash! Pro 2


Used by teachers, parents, therapists, psychologists and early intervention professionals worldwide, working with children of all ages, Flash! Pro 2 has a massive collection of over 8,500 colour photo flashcards that you can select, preview and print from your computer to stimulate speech and language.

The CD was designed to be used by people with no computer experience and has no complex setup or installation. The photos are simply arranged into a total of 65 categories such as Actions, Animals, Emotions, Body Parts, Food, Clothing, Flags, Street Signs, Locations, People, Furniture, Vehicles, Colours and lots more.

All the images can also be used in other software, such as SwitchIt! Maker, ChooseIt! Maker.

Windows: Compatible with Win98 and later versions

Mac: Non-Compatible Switch Access: No

Recommended for: Activities Building