MK Prosopsis

The Digital Frog


Research study proves that virtual frog dissection is a more effective learning tool than traditional dissection

And it's fun!

The Digital Frog 2.5 engages students with an interactive, virtual dissection, allowing the student to learn each of the cuts necessary by "cutting" with a digital scalpel before watching the full screen video. The CD also makes learning anatomy an enjoyable experience, by allowing students to have fun and learn through exploration and discovery. Animations and interactions allow students to see how the frog's body works—from blood pumping through the heart, to joints that can be built up and moved by the user.

Much, much more than just dissection

The Digital Frog 2.5 is so much more effective than a wet lab because the interactive dissection is seamlessly linked to a comprehensive anatomy and physiology section, with human anatomy comparisons. A fascinating ecology section reminds students that biology is the study of living organisms. With context-sensitive definitions on every word and spoken pronunciations on significant words, students have all the information they need with just a mouse.

And, The Digital Frog 2.5 is now even better than ever

The latest version of our award-winning virtual frog dissection, anatomy and ecology program. Like all Digital Frog International CD-ROMs, it uses the full spectrum of multimedia technologies—full-screen video, animation, sounds, narration, in-depth text and still images—to bring teaching dissection and anatomy to life.

The new version builds on technology advances with higher resolution graphics, interactive quizzes and built-in text-to-speech.

Environmentally sound

The Digital Frog eliminates the need for frog dissection to teach anatomy, protecting a diminishing species. The Digital Frog focuses the student on the study of structure and function, rather than on the process of dissection. The Digital Frog also encourages squeamish students who may otherwise avoid biology and science.


The Dissection module allows students to perform an entire frog dissection. They can make cuts with a "digital scalpel" and then see the actual cuts with full-screen videos. And unlike a real dissection, mistakes are easily corrected.

The Anatomy module, with its animation, movies, photographs and in-depth text, seamlessly links from the dissection, providing a close-at-hand research as students work through the dissection. Comparisons to human anatomy is also only a click away.

The Ecology section rounds out the educational experience by giving students insight into species diversity, frog calls, behavior and the life cycle.

Ph.D Dissertation shows learning can be achieved in 44% less time

A 2001 study at George Mason University compared virtual frog dissection (using The Digital Frog 2) and concluded that "multimedia-based virtual dissection was more effective than hands-on dissection in helping students learn about frog anatomy. Moreover this result was achieved when the time available for the virtual dissection was approximately 44% less than that available for hands-on dissection".  Ask us for a copy of the study's abstract.

Who would benefit?

The Digital Frog 2.5 was designed for use at the secondary school level. However, it is a valuable resource for students from middle school all the way up to university and college. It's also useful for zoos and zoologists as a teaching tool, as well as natural history enthusiasts, biologists, libraries and anyone interested in the general principles of anatomical science.


We've incorporated all of our award-winning features into The Digital Frog 2.5, from our simple point-and-click interface and handy interactive map to context-sensitive help and an integrated dictionary with more than 3000 definitions and over 700 pronunciations.

Our new Find feature allows you to quickly jump to screens by typing in the topic you are searching for, while user added bookmarks allow you to maintain a list of screens to easily return to later.

Workbook Materials

All workbook materials are included on the CD in a variety of formats allowing you to print just what you need when you need it and also to customize worksheets to better suit your classroom. The Digital Frog 2.5 workbook acts as an excellent study guide, leading students through the CD-ROM with tips, suggestions, quizzes and crossword puzzles. The teacher's guide includes suggested answers, as well as teaching suggestions.

PDFClick here for a downloadable sample workbook page...

Easy to install

The Digital Frog runs directly from the CD-ROM, installed on the hard drive of standalone computer or, with the purchase of a network license, over a LAN.


The DigitalFrog 2.5 is a hybrid disc—the same disc runs on both Macintosh and Windows platforms.

System requirements


  • Windows 2000, XP, Windows 7 or Vista (32 bit) (some features may not work in the 64 bit version of Vista) 
  • 32 MB of RAM (64 or more recommended)
  • 75 MB of hard drive space for QuickTime


  • Mac OSX 10.3.9 or later
  • 30 MB of available RAM

The Digital Frog Evaluation Version -This is the full version of the software. You can use parts of the software.


Windows: Compatible with Win 2000 and later versions

Mac: Compatible Switch Access: No

Recommended for: Secondary Education, Science