MK Prosopsis

Alarm Clocks

Wake & Shake

Large LCD display
Large vibrating shaker
Extra bright strobe alarm / telephone indicator
Choose from vibrate/audio/lamp
4 Alarm options: Shaker, Flash + alarm, Flash + shaker, Alarm + shaker
Telephone ringer amplification
Shaker alarm (high/low)
Battery back-up

Shake Awake

Shake Awake is a vibrating alarm clock designed for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing.The unit is compact and self-contained, free of a separate vibrating pad or external wiring. The clock is placed inside the user's pillowcase or under the user's mattress. A powerful vibrating motor will wake even the soundest sleeper at the pre-selected alarm time. The cover is designed to protect settings during sleep or travel, and folds under the clock for table top viewing.

Other features include quartz accuracy, a large liquid crystal display (LCD) with 1-inch-high numerals and a back light for night illimination, a snooze alarm, and a clip to secure the clock to a pillow, bed, or chair. POWER: Uses two double-A batteries (not included). The vibrator and the clock have separate power supplies. DIMENSIONS (HxLxW): 1 x 4 x 3 inches.

  • Vibralite 2
    Vibration Alarm - (auto-shutoff after approx. 20 sec.)
    Countdown Timer which you can use for daily reminders such as timing presentations, parking, cooking etc.
    Electro-Luminescent Back Light with Auto ON option
    Two Alarm Settings
    Water Resistant (30 Meters


    The vibration on your wrist from VibraLITE2 will remind you to do any important thing without annoying others. What's really great is that you don't have to hear the alarm to know that it's signalling you. This watch is especially nice for pilots, students (taking exams), and of course the deaf and hard of hearing.

VibraLITE2 is ideal for noisy environments. Reminders from VibraLITE2 are especially helpful for: Medical Conditions/Medication Reminders, Time Management, Timing Procedures, Tests or Presentations, Self Regulation/Keeping Focused, Noisy Environments, Great as a Travel Alarm, Any time you don't want to disturb others. The uses are endless! VibraLITE2 features: Vibration Alarm - (auto-shutoff after approx. 20 sec.), Electro-Luminescent Back Light with Auto ON option, Second Clock for Second Time Zone, 12 or 24 Hour Clock Choice, Date Display, Stop Watch, Two Alarm Settings, Chime Option for Alarms, Hourly Alert Option, Water Resistant (30 meters), Stainless Steel Back.

Bellman Alarm Clock

Bellman Alarm clock is an excellent product for people who like to have a very clear wake up signal in the morning. Awakening is by means both of flash lights and an acoustic ring signal which increases in loudness and sweeps through different sound frequencies during the alarm.

The Bellman Alarm clock can also power two bed-shakers placed under the pillow, which generates a clear vibration during the alarm. The Bellman Alarm clock can further be connected to the telephone and provide a clear alarm upon incoming telephone ring signals.

Bellman Alarm clock has a snooze-function, which means that the alarm function in the clock is activated again after 4 minutes. To facilitate reading the time, the clock face lights up during the alarm, or when pressing the snooze button. For safety reasons, internal back-up batteries power the clock during power failure.